7th- 9th Oct
Friday 7th
A Lindy Hop concert
The pianist Gordon Webster, one of the most sought after musicians in the Lindy hop world is in concert in Lyon. For a retro dancing night. From 8 p.m. to 1a.m.
Salle de ficelle 65 Bd des Canuts, 69004 Lyon
Link: https://www.billetweb.fr/gordon-webster-a-lyon?fbclid=IwAR03jB9mIG-CKQYOSD4yCTo9402XQKY7TZD52GzQzMPvWBY-UtBZEOKaw6I
Saturday 8th
A Roman Festival in a real Roman Amphitheater
After last year’s success (30000 people!), the Festival came back for its 2nd edition. With more than 100 actors (also from Rome) in ancient costumes you can relive the Lugdunum (Lyon old name) ancient Romans time. Is free and last year was a huge success, so to avoid bad surprises (for security reasons there are limited places available), please go early and the first day or you risk can’t enter. Free entry to the Museum today and tomorrow. From 9 a.m. to 6,30 p.m. (same for Sunday)
Lugdunum – Musée et Théâtres romains, 17 rue Cléberg – 69005 Lyon 5ème
Link: https://lugdunum.grandlyon.com/agenda/evenements/festival-romain
A Free Lyon Guide book with a cool open air lunch party
A Lyon classic: the Petit Paumé launch party. Each year this reference in Lyon publishes a free guide with a lot of cool references (for eat, party, visit, etc.). At this open air free event you can choose many free activities: Burger eating competition, BMX, Magic show, ax throwing and even a free concert at 7,30 p.m.! From 10 a.m. to 7,30 p.m. (same for Sunday)
Place Bellecour, 69002 Lyon
Link: https://www.petitpaume.com/article/le-petit-paume-lance-la-54e-edition-de-son-guide-place-bellecour-avec-my-digital-school
Sunday 9th
A free eco festival.
If you are passionate about the climate change debate and you want to act to protect our Planet, that’s the Festival for you. Free entry (reservation suggested). From 10,30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Maison pour tous des Rancy, 249 rue Vendôme 69003 Lyon
Link: www.agiralyon.fr/festival
You can find all the Lyon secrets here
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